Measuring Successful Sponsorship

Richard Busby is the author of the first ever Management Report on sponsorship Measuring Successful Sponsorship, published by The Financial Times.

Richard Busby co-wrote Marketing magazine’s Guide to Sponsorship and was also consultant editor to a second Financial Times report Maximising the Value of Sports Sponsorship. We were commissioned by the UK government’s Arts and Business to write their guide for arts organisations and sponsors on Measuring and Evaluating Arts Sponsorship.


BDS Sponsorship created, and organised for thirteen years, the largest sponsorship conference in the UK. In 1999 the conference was expanded into the First European Sponsorship Conference which attracted 500 delegates from 31 countries.

Richard Busby, the Chief Executive of BDS Sponsorship and other members of staff have spoken at numerous other sponsorship conferences both in the UK and abroad (Canada, Czech Republic, Dubai, Eire, Germany, Holland, Portugal, Italy, Singapore, South Africa and Sweden).