Aptly named, the Bitesize Festival is set to provide visitors with a range of short and fresh productions across three weeks this summer. Kicking off in July, the festival will serve as an appetiser for the Edinburgh Fringe in August, with twelve productions scheduled to take place over the duration.

Providing a sponsorship strategy that is every bit as innovative as the entertainment on offer, BDS worked alongside festival organisers to develop a title sponsorship opportunity for sponsors to get involved in the programme in a variety of interesting ways.   

Specifically, the sponsorship strategy provides sponsors with the chance to be a named sponsor, granting them access to a range of onsite activation opportunities as well as invitations to events taking place beyond the festival itself. Named sponsors are also awarded exclusivity in their category and the option to take advantage of complimentary tickets and room hires for hospitality purposes.

The sponsorship opportunities BDS designed for Bitesize allow sponsors to form meaningful and lasting relationships that come with the expectation of future cross-promotional activity across various venues and events.

Ultimately, the sponsorship strategy for the Bitesize Festival provides incredible value to sponsors in the form of unique opportunities, hospitality options, and outstanding brand visibility.

To find out more about how BDS creates powerful sponsorship strategies for events and a range of other corporate opportunities, be sure to get in touch today.

Last Updated on August 6, 2024